Hall of Fame

First introduced in 2005, The DCN Hall of Fame inductee is selected by senior members of the Daily Cargo News. Inductees of the Hall of Fame are recognised for their outstanding contribution to Australia’s maritime industry.


David Parmeter

David Parmeter has been living and breathing Australian maritime logistics since the early 1980s. Just out of university he joined BHP as an industrial officer in 1981, and the in 1984 he went to work with ANL as an industrial relations officer. He subsequently joined the Commonwealth Steamship Owners Association, which later merged with the Australian Shipowners Association to become Maritime Industry Australia.

After more than a decade working with the ASA, David moved to Teekay Australia in 2002, as head of human resources, and Teekay had recently taken over the management of BHP’s remaining marine activities in Australia. And in 2006, he became managing director of Teekay Shipping in Australia, a role he held for nearly 12 years.

David gives back much to the maritime industry in Australia.

While managing director of Teekay Australia, David joined the council of the Australian Mariners’ Welfare Society and currently is its chairman. The AMWS provides direct financial contributions to charitable organisations that support the welfare of seafarers, educational scholarships for emerging seafarers who need financial support as well as accommodation for retired seafarers in need.

David was appointed a director of the Sydney Bethel Union in November 2019 and is currently deputy chairman. The SBU is the largest financial contributor to the Missions to Seafarers in the ports on New South Wales.


Teresa Lloyd

Teresa Lloyd had been at the helm of Maritime Industry Australia Limited for nearly two decades, taking on important issues in the maritime industry and helping Australian businesses become players in global shipping. Ms Lloyd led MIAL with conviction, advocating for improvements in maritime policy that would encourage growth and regeneration of an Australian maritime industry.

Ms Lloyd has also been a great advocate for training of Australian seafarers, calling attention to the lack of opportunities to train and work in the industry and supporting initiatives that address such issues.
Prior to her tenure at MIAL, Ms Lloyd studied naval architecture at AMC, where she was a role model for other young maritime professionals.

She held various roles in the Australian maritime industry before joining MIAL’s predecessor in 2003. In that role, Ms Lloyd was the Australian shipowner (employer) representative at the UN International Labour Organization during the MLC adoption. She also chaired the International Chamber of Shipping Environment Sub-Committee from 2006 through 2013.


Jillian Carson-Jackson

Jillian Carson-Jackson is well known to many in the industry, both in Australia and overseas, as a passionate advocate of the maritime sector and of diversity and inclusion. Jillian is also an example to many as the first Australian and first female president of The Nautical Institute.

Through work on three continents, with positions in Canada, France and Australia – spanning more than 30 years – Jillian has made significant contributions to technical, policy and legislative issues in an international environment.

Skilled in simulation training, vessel traffic services, operations and emergency management, Jillian started her career as a navigation cadet with the Canadian Coast Guard, mostly working on ice breakers in the Canadian Arctic and on the Great Lakes.

Jillian worked for the Australian Maritime Safety Authority for nearly 10 years, in vessel traffic and pilotage services, before starting her own business in 2016. Today, Jillian provides maritime technical advice, education and training, with a focus on maritime communications technologies, risk assessment, VTS, vessel tracking, maritime domain awareness, standards development and related workshop facilitation.

Jillian said of her induction into the Maritime Hall of Fame, “I had never thought that I would receive this recognition, it isn’t something that was ever on my radar. To be honoured in this manner only strengthens my resolve to promote maritime, to focus on what I can do to support the industry.

“Maritime really does matter, and what we do in maritime makes a difference. I look forward to helping to shape a safe, sustainable and inclusive maritime industry that meets changing global needs in a digital era,” she said.

“This industry is my passion, and there is so much to be passionate about in maritime!”


Terry Tzaneros

David Parmeter has been living and breathing Australian maritime logistics since the early 1980s. Just out of university he joined BHP as an industrial officer in 1981, and the in 1984 he went to work with ANL as an industrial relations officer. He subsequently joined the Commonwealth Steamship Owners Association, which later merged with the Australian Shipowners Association to become Maritime Industry Australia.

After more than a decade working with the ASA, David moved to Teekay Australia in 2002, as head of human resources, and Teekay had recently taken over the management of BHP’s remaining marine activities in Australia. And in 2006, he became managing director of Teekay Shipping in Australia, a role he held for nearly 12 years.

David gives back much to the maritime industry in Australia.

While managing director of Teekay Australia, David joined the council of the Australian Mariners’ Welfare Society and currently is its chairman. The AMWS provides direct financial contributions to charitable organisations that support the welfare of seafarers, educational scholarships for emerging seafarers who need financial support as well as accommodation for retired seafarers in need.

David was appointed a director of the Sydney Bethel Union in November 2019 and is currently deputy chairman. The SBU is the largest financial contributor to the Missions to Seafarers in the ports on New South Wales.


Captain James Patrick

Captain James Ronald Patrick was born in Bothwell, Scotland in 1880. Aged 12 he ran away to sea, serving as an apprentice on the Glasgow Shipping Company’s Loch Line which operated clippers to Australia. In 1900 he settled in Sydney.

With the advent of World War 1 James Patrick joined the Royal Australian Navy, serving in many theatres of war and achieved the rank of Lieutenant Commander.

For his service in the Royal Australian Navy Captain James Patrick received numerous medals including the Gallipoli Star.

Immediately after the war James Patrick formed a new shipping venture Patrick Steamship Co Ltd.

James along with his two sons, Ken and Ron, the Reeds and Radfords took on the establishment, and broke down barriers. He was the first to introduce profit sharing for his crew.

On July 16, 1941 with Australia’s entry into WWII, James Patrick and Company’s ships were requisitioned by the federal government to be managed under the control of the Shipping Control Board with Captain Patrick appointed as a board member.

Sadly, Captain James Ronald Patrick died suddenly on May 7, 1945 while playing cards with his family.

He was known as a dynamic, courageous and passionate person and laid the platform for the largest stevedoring company in Australia. He would be proud that his legacy is a company that has been at the forefront of innovation and achievement.


Captain Alan Tait

Captain Alan Tait has contributed extensively to the maritime sector for more than six decades.

Hailing from the town of Kurri Kurri in the Hunter Valley, Capt. Tait began his maritime career as a cadet deck officer aged just 15, working his way up to being a master, commanding general purpose, passenger, dry and wet bulk ships.

He joined Howard Smith Industries in 1968, and when he retired from the company in 1995, it owned or managed some 19 ships (Captain Tait by then being responsible for 600 seafarers and 50 supporting staff).

Captain Tait was deputy and acting chairman of the Australian Maritime Safety Authority and chairman of the Australian Maritime Safety Advisory Committee, and a member of a shipping reform group set up in 1996 to advise the federal government. He also has served as chairman of the Australian Shipowners Industrial Association, director of the Australian Shipowners Association as well as a council member for both Intertanko and Intercargo.


David Field

David Field who has had a remarkable career spanning 40 years and counting. The maritime landscape has changed dramatically over the past 40 years and David Field was one of those executives who experienced, worked and succeeded through those changes.

He began his maritime journey in 1970 when he joined Swire’s Australian shipping group and in 1975 was appointed the Group’s Australian Manager of its 50/50 joint venture with the Korean Company Dong Young Shipping. In 1980 David was appointed General Manager of Dong Young Shipping in Seoul, where he and his wife Mary lived until 1984.

On returning to Australia he took up an appointment as Deputy Manager NSW of Nedlloyd Swire and in 1986 became General Manager.

The decade of the 90s was frenetic for David when he joined Blue Star Line and the Vestey Group of companies. At that time Blue Star Line was a conference operator in the Middle East Trade and an ‘outsider’/non-conference operator in the Japan/Korea Trade, through its major shareholding in Bridge Line.
Given David’s previous 20 years within conference lines and trades, his move was, in some quarters a great surprise.

He was appointed General Manager and subsequently a Director of Bridge Line and played a key role in the rise of Bridge Line as a serious and successful competitor to the various conference lines.

In 1992 he was appointed a Director of Blue Star Australia and Trade Director of Blue Star’s North America trade.

In 1996 he was appointed by the Late Sir Edmund Vestey to succeed the long serving Graham Lightfoot, as Managing Director and CEO of Blue Star Line and Chairman of Blue Star Asia.

Blue Star was sold to P&O Nedlloyd in 1998, and at the time of the sale, Blue Star Line Australia was engaged in three major container shipping trades – Australia and New Zealand to Japan/Korea/China, the Middle East and Sub continent and the east and west coasts of America.


Phil Kelly

In theory, Philip Kelly retired in the late 1980s. In practice, for the almost the next three decades, Phil was as busy as ever, attending to his many tasks as Shipping Australia state secretary.

Add to this his role as chairman of the Committee of Management at the Village Williamstown, and he was one very busy person.

An Order of Australia recipient and a longstanding champion of shipping and containerisation, Phil’s story began in 1928 in the inner Melbourne suburb of Richmond. Richmond was hit hard by the Great Depression in the early 1930s, but Phil’s family fared better than many. His father was employed as sales manager in a rope manufacturing company while national and international unemployment soared.

He attended Yarra Park State School and then University High.

His younger brother became a doctor but that was never Phil’s calling.

“I think my father would have loved my doing medicine, but even at school I was sort of shying away from that kind of work and was always interested in ships. It was when I was first entrusted by Gibbs Bright & Co to go down to a ship alone with the mail that I just fell in love with those stately ships, and indeed with those who sailed in them.”

As a kid, he had watched the great ships coming and going from Melbourne while on his father’s fishing boat. Then in 1947 he joined Gibbs, Bright & Co Shipping Agency in Melbourne, an Australian agency for Port Line, Cunard, The East Asiatic Company and several tramp ship operators.

Gibbs Bright & Co provided a fascinating role and comprehensive training in ship husbandry, operations, marketing, and ultimately in management. Phil was promoted to assistant manager in the Victorian office in 1963.

“In those days – you could call them ‘bad days’ in a way for a ship owner, because they would be in port for three or more weeks at least – it was nothing for them to be on the coast for two months.”

Of course, in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s the waterfront was nowhere near as mechanised as today.

“As an example, people don’t believe me when I tell them that I came home one day and my mother said, ‘You smell’. I said, ‘That’s horse manure.’ That’s what we had – draught horses.”

He recalled the advent of containerisation.

“In the meantime we were gearing up for the ‘container revolution’, as you might call it. We had 18 months to do that, but meanwhile, all those conventional ships were still in operation, so those offices needed their staff.”

To minimise the impact of the agency mergers, younger staff who resigned were replaced by retirees.

“At the end of it all I had not one redundancy. That’s how we did it – at the end of each day I wouldn’t have to say to 40 or 50 people, ‘Sorry, there’s no job’. I’m very proud of that.”

So what were his feelings about the arrival of containerisation?

“After the first year’s operation, I stated that the advent of the container concept would be more profound and longer lasting in its impact on international commerce than the change from sail to steam. I have had no reason to change that belief.

“I think the biggest challenge of all was not the mechanisation of it. We had a pretty good idea of how we were going to handle things. It was convincing the clients,” he said. “There was a very anti-container attitude; sheepskin exporters and wool exporters felt that their products might sweat in a confined space.”

People in the canned fruit industry were concerned their cartons would sweat.

“It was only when we got into it that we realised we could sell another point – clients would have predictability, whereas there was no predictability in the old system, given the chaos and congestion on the wharf.”

The first container ship to arrive in Melbourne was in 1969.

“We started working on plans for it in 1967,” Phil recalled. “There were two companies, both consortia: Overseas Containers (OCAL) and Associated Container Transport (ACTA).”

While both consortia cooperated in the lead-up to containerisation, the fundamental principles of commercial competition remained in place.

“OCAL had seven original Lines and ACTA had five. We planned, sometimes in parallel but also in opposition, don’t forget. While you pooled a lot of scientific research, you didn’t share your clients.”

From 1972, Phil spent time on the Board of the Port of Melbourne Harbour Trust, the precursor to the

Port of Melbourne Corporation, concurrent with his role with ACTA.

“We had a wonderful union man named Roy Cameron, who’d come from the Trades’ Hall Council. He was old enough and wise enough to realise that things had to happen in the name of progress.”

Key issues included expanding the port to meet the demands of container shipping.

“Our eye was on trade growth and the obligation to cater for it. You had to start planning new berths and the hinterland years in advance. And at the same time, we couldn’t turn our back on bulk cargoes.”

Away from shipping, he loved the simple process of growing vegetable and was a passionate supporter of the Richmond Tigers AFL (formerly VFL) club.


Captain Richard Setchell

Prior to 1985, ports were the business of governments, owned and often operated as arms of the state by port authorities and their ministerial masters. But in that year, Malaysia decided that it had a problem which needed a radical solution.

The country had very strong trade growth prospects, but the government in Kuala Lumpur could not easily spare the capital to develop the infrastructure needed to develop Port Klang.

 In 1986, Malaysia’s Port Klang became the first container port in the world to be handed over to a private contractor, Conaust Australia, under a long term agreement.  The man who had masterminded it was Captain Richard Setchell, the managing director of the Conaust project.  By the 1980’s Conaust Australia had bought out its partners and competitors and became established as a major terminal operator.

Upon Richard’s return to Australia in 1987 he was appointed as Chairman and Managing Director of Conaust Ltd which was soon to be renamed P&O Ports and from then he set about delivering an ambitious plan to expand to all five continents and become the largest operator of container terminals in the world.

Within a decade, more than a hundred ports around the world had moved from government to private hands, 20 of them managed by P&O Ports — which had become if not the biggest by volume then at least the most diversified box port operator in the world.

The private investment concept also turned out to be enormously flexible.  In the 1980s, it was mostly smaller container ports in Asia and the developing world with very high rates of future growth that turned to the private financing and development model.  In the 1990s, it spread to more mature port industries in Europe and North America.

In the 2000s, the major port operators started buying each other – and P&O Ports, which started on the back of an envelope in Sussex Street Sydney, was sold to Dubai’s DP World in 2005 for $7. 7 billion dollars, a very strong multiple which marked a high point for the price of assets like this.

By this time, Richard had retired, and was last seen driving a tractor on his farm somewhere near Kiama in NSW.  Or so we thought.  In fact, he was shortly back in the game with his own Anglo Ports operation in alliance with Manila-based ICTSI.

He thought the time was right to break the container terminal duopoly he had done so much to build in Australia.  As it turned out, Anglo Ports was the first to do so, though Anglo Ports was an energetic proponent of any port project going and did a great deal to make the intellectual case for ending the duopoly era.

However, recently, Richard achieved a major success when Anglo Ports was announced as a joint-concession winner, together with ICTSI, to build a new facility at Webb Dock, Melbourne.  Anglo Ports left behind some serious international competition with its winning proposal.  In February this year, Anglo Ports divested its shareholding in the joint venture, but remains engaged in other port investment opportunities in Australia and around the world.

Australia has a proud maritime history.

Few people know that the port industry in its modern privatised form was also invented in Australia, and that Richard Setchell was the man behind it.  It truly makes him not just an Australian maritime leader but a global leader as well.

Captain Ricard Setchell is a worthy inductee into the Australian Maritime Hall of Fame and our congratulations go to him.  


Dr Terry O’Brien

Through the exercise of his own intellect, he Dr Terry O’Brien created a system that has saved the resources, ports and shipping industries literally billions of dollars.

Dr O’Brien’s invention, Dynamic Under Keel Clearance (DUKC), has, in its various forms, been adopted by ports around the world.

Apart from having an unblemished safety record, the DUKC technology has saved untold amounts of money through reducing regular maintenance dredging and, in some cases, avoiding high spot dredging. Dr O’Brien’s technology allows vessels to sail with a deeper draught – allowing more cargo to be carried on fewer voyages.

So, for instance, every centimetre deeper that a bulker carrying iron ore can sail, means around an extra 150 tonnes of cargo, which, depending on the price, can be worth many thousands of dollars of revenue per centimetre per sailing.

When you stop to think of the cumulative impact of that saving over literally decades, it is quite astonishing.

The system also improved safety – so much so that it was deployed at several ports purely on safety grounds alone. And, in 2011, the system was first accepted by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority for use in the Torres Strait.

Dr O’Brien has also invented a wide variety of other systems, such as the Berth Warning System, that can be used to help increase berth operating safety, both for ship-berth planning and as a forecasting tool to provide real-time operational warnings on forecast wind and wave conditions which may cause ships to break lines at the berth, causing unacceptable OH&S risk to personnel and damage to vessels and wharf structures.

The impact of Dr O’Brien’s inventions and development of technology has resulted in both he and his company being recognised at home and around the world for their achievements and contributions to the maritime industry.

There has been international award recognition for innovative technology, engineering excellence and in June 2010, Dr O’Brien was awarded an OAM in the Queen’s Birthday honours list for services to the maritime industry.

After literally decades of service to the shipping industry, as an academic, as a member of international advisory bodies such as PIANC, the World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure and latterly and most significantly, as an inventor of technologies of global significance, Dr Terry O’Brien OAM was a rightful inductee into the Australian Maritime Hall of Fame.


Llew Russell

Llew graduated from the University of Queensland with a Bachelor of Economics and later graduated with an MBA from the University of Edinburgh.

His early career in the Public Service introduced Llew to shipping via his promotion to the Exports Transportation Branch which eventually became part of the federal Department of Shipping and Transport. Llew was promoted to section head of the department and was well on his way to a career in shipping.

In 1978, he was appointed head of the Liner Branch of the Department of Transport but his shipping career really took off in 1981 when he was head-hunted to become assistant director and soon after executive director of the Australia-to-Europe Shipping Conference.

At the time there were seven separate shipping conferences operating and rationalisation was inevitable. In 1987, Llew was appointed the inaugural CEO of Shipping Conference Services Limited which was followed by Liner Shipping Services in 1992 and eventually Shipping Australia in 2001 following the merger of the Australian Chamber of Shipping and Liner Shipping Services. Llew remained the CEO up until his retirement from the position in 2013.

Among Llew’s earliest challenges as CEO of Shipping Australia was the introduction of terminal handling charges in the early 1990’s, vigorously opposed by the Australian Peak Shipping Association and resulting in an exhaustive two-year investigation by the ACCC. It was not to be the only time Llew crossed paths with the ACCC.

Llew was also involved in five major reviews of Part 10 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (the Act) which regulates international liner shipping of cargo travelling either to or from Australia. Llew was a strong supporter of Part 10, because – in his own words – “it delivers benefits to exporters and shipowners alike”. Llew’s view on Part 10 were not shared by the Trade Practices Commission or its successor, the ACCC.

It’s also just one of numerous issues which Llew has been involved in – from representing his members interests during industrial disputes, working with the government on general industry reform as well as representing Australian shipping at many international conference.

Llew is a Fellow of the Institute of Logistics and Transports and in 2012 was awarded a Biosecurity Lifetime Achievement Award for the promotion border protection.

Llew’s long, distinguished and highly effective career was recognised when he was awarded the honour of Member of the Order of Australia on Australia Day in 2009.


John Horan

John Horan had a career in the Australian stevedoring industry spanning close to 50 years having first joined the Oversea and General Stevedoring company in Townsville in 1964.

In 1968 he moved to Patrick in Brisbane where he was Assistant Manager for the company’s Queensland business before transferring to Patrick’s Sydney operation.

Up to December 2006, John was responsible for the marketing and contracts for both stevedoring divisions of the company (container terminals and auto bulk & general) which included the preparation, negotiation and execution of terminal and stevedoring services for Patrick’s shipping line customers. From 2007 until his retirement in 2012 he was General Manager, Contracts and Marketing for Patrick Container Ports.

Always keen to provide innovative solutions to peak season congestion issues, he was instrumental in the design of AAT in which equipment and facilities were pooled for common benefit of shipping lines. He was an alternate director of AAT from 2004 until 2007 which included two periods as Chairman.

In industry parlance, John Horan is known as a “lifer'” in Australia’s stevedoring market and is renowned within the Patrick family as one of its most committed employees. He has earned a remarkable reputation for winning new business for Patrick and then ensuring that the company delivered on his promises.

He has always been culturally aware and has hosted many delegations from Asia and Europe, building long-standing relationships with overseas Principals. This was particularly critical after the 1998 dispute when customers had lost faith and required commitment.

John was a passionate advocate for 24/7 working on the waterfront and first advised the industry to count Sunday as a paid storage day in June 2005. This was finally implemented in October 2009.

In fact, it was in particularly difficult times that John Horan’s star shone brightly such as the 1998 MUA dispute, the hostile takeover of Patrick in 2007 (one of Australia’s most public takeover battles), the subsequent formation of Asciano and the automation of Brisbane.

His industry participation has been constant and varied being actively engaged in industry reform and initiatives involving the introduction of unitisation and later containerisation, bulk grain loading manning arrangements, the Inter-State Commission’s investigation into the Australian waterfront and the Waterfront Industry Reform Authority.

During our research into John’s background, we found a recurring word… integrity. His colleagues have referred to John’s integrity in striving to deliver win-win situations for both the customer and the company as the principal reason not only for his longevity in a highly competitive field but also for the esteem in which he is held by Patrick customers at home and abroad.


John Lines

It’s no exaggeration to say that John Lines is a giant of the Australian shipping industry.

It’s been a classic s tory of office boy makes it to the top with John beginning his ANL career as a junior clerk in the supply department in 1970. Despite his early career being interrupted by a stint of National Service he worked his way up the management ladder with various postings inside and outside of Australia and by 1998 when ANL was sold to CMA CCM, John was the company’s Chief Operating Officer.

When the sale was completed, it was the wisest of decisions by the new owners to leave ANL in the hands of John Lines, with John becoming Managing Director and CEO of ANL Container Line.

John always fought hard to keep ANL as a uniquely Australian shipping line, headquartered in Melbourne and firmly on a growth strategy. When sold in 1998, ANL volumes were around 80,000 TEU per annum; in 2011 ANL will carry over one million TEU for the first time with revenue well in excess of one billion dollars.

Under John’s stewardship, ANL has drawn on the strength of the parent company and blended that with ANL’s style of doing business. The result has been the development of a small regional line to a truly global operator.

One of John’s edicts throughout his career at ANL has been “look after the customers” – it’s a simple business principle but when it is pursued from the top of an organisation down to the foot soldiers, it becomes a mightily effective weapon and a key reason for ANL’s ongoing success.

As a member of the Federal Government’s Shipping Advisory Group, John was able to give great insight into the current state of the Australian Shipping Industry – what needs to be done to arrest its decline and what needs to be done to revitalise it.

As further evidence of his ongoing passion and commitment to Australian Shipping, John has been:

  • Chairman of the Australia Northbound Shipping Conference;
  • Chairman of Shipping Australia;
  • Chairman of the Australian Chamber of Shipping Council; and
  • Director, Australian Shipowners Association

In 2003 John was awarded the “Order of Merit – Maritime” by the French Government recognising his contribution to International Shipping. It was the first time the honour had been bestowed on a non-French citizen.


Peter Dexter

Peter Dexter is a man of many achievements.

In his executive role, Peter was a member of the Global Management Team of Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics. Peter retired from his executive role as Regional Director of Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics, Oceania, in September 2005 to assume a range of non-executive appointments which include:

  • Chairman, Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics Oceania;
  • Chairman, Wallenius Wilhelmsen Investments Pty Ltd;
  • Chairman, Wallenius Wilhelmsen Oceania;
  • Chairman, Wiltrading; (WA) Pty Ltd;
  • Chairman, SeaSwift Pty Ltd;
  • Director, Australian Maritime Systems Limited;
  • Non-Executive Director of POAGS Pty Ltd;
  • Non-Executive Director of Wilhelmsen Ships Service Pty Ltd;
  • Chair, Australian National Maritime Museum Council.

Peter’s 40 years of executive management experience in the maritime and the logistics industry was acquired both within Australia and overseas and he has gained wide experience through his directorships of privately-owned companies and a publicly listed company in Adsteam Marine Ltd.

During his career, he has served both as a director and president of various industry associations, as well as chairman of the Sydney Ports User Group.

Peter serves as the Honorary Consul-General for Norway in New South Wales and was appointed as Chair of the Australian National Maritime Museum Council in mid-2010, and also serves on the Australian National Maritime Museum Foundation.

He is a fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. He retains a dose association with the maritime, transport, ocean towage, ports and logistics industries while his directorships have also given him exposure to manufacturing, property investment and development.

Peter was awarded the Royal Norwegian Order of Merit by the King of Norway for his contribution to Norwegian/Australian business and for his work during the Tampa crisis. He was named a member in the Order of Australia in 2005 for services to the development of the shipping and maritime industries through leadership roles and for his contribution to international relations and to the community.


Don Telford


Robert Clifford

Robert Clifford, founder and Chairman of the Incat group of companies has been credited with pioneering the world’s high-speed vehicle/passenger ferry industry.


Robert built his first boat as a teenager, sailing yachts at an early age. He operated fishing boats for several
years before developing a river cruise business which became Hobart’s commuter service carrying millions of
passengers. Robert’s experience moving boats and passengers quickly was put to good use when designing
and building high speed craft.

For close to five decades he has steered Incat to progress from boats to small commercial ferries
through to very large ocean-going vehicle carrying wave piercing catamarans for which Incat is now world

As skipper of the yacht “Tasmania” Robert won line honours in the 1994 Sydney to Hobart yacht race and
remains interested in sailing. He is a keen Grand Prix racing fan and when time permits enjoys restoring vintage
Rolls Royce cars.

Robert was awarded the Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) in 1995 and was also named Tasmanian of the Year in 1988.

Greg Martin

Greg Martin

Greg enjoyed a long career of over 50 years in the Ports and Maritime Industries starting as a graduate civil engineer with the Qld Dept of Harbours and Marine in 1971 until retiring from his last role as a Director of the Port of Brisbane Corporation in 2023Greg had a very diversified career working with the Ports Corporation of Queensland and various Port Authorities in Queensland which included involvement in the development of the Dalrymple Bay and Abbot Point coal terminals until he was appointed as CEO of the Port of Brisbane Corporation in 1990.   He held that position to 1996 and led the major expansion of the Fisherman Islands facilities encompassing some 200 ha of land reclamation, new container berths and the connection of standard gauge rail to the port. 

Following his time as CEO of Brisbane Ports Corporation, Greg was appointed CEO of the Sydney Ports Corporation in 1996 until 2007. During this time, Greg was instrumental in obtaining NSW Gov approval to the development of the Third Container Terminal in Port Botany and the development of the Enfield Multi Modal Terminal.  His time at Sydney Ports included managing the Port through the very busy period leading up to and during the Sydney Olympics in 2000.

In 2007, Greg was appointed to the position of Regional Director Oceania  ( Australia and New Zealand) for Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics, the world’s largest roll- on roll -off operator, a position he held until 2012. After 2012, Greg retired from any further full time roles to take up various part- time Board Director roles. 

The last and most significant of these roles was as a Director of the Brisbane Port Corporation which he held for nearly 10 years till 2023.   This was a very satisfying way for Greg to complete his involvement with ports after beginning his working career on Port of Brisbane related projects in 1971. 

As CEO of the Sydney Ports, Greg also served as President of the Association of Port and Marine Authorities – forerunner to Ports Australia- for some 5 years till 2007 

Greg’s achievements in the Maritime Industry were recognised by receiving the Australian Maritime Hall of Fame Award in 2007.


John Hirst


Kerry Sanderson

Kerry Sanderson rose to prominence in late 1991 when she took over the role of CEO of Fremantle Ports. This was not her first big role she had spent 17 years in the Department of Treasury and four more at the Department of Transport but it was certainly a high-profile appointment.

At the time, many people in business and government circles argued that Kerry had been handed a poisoned chalice. Fremantle Ports had suffered a financial loss of more than AU$70million in the previous year, container handling efficiency was nearly as low as staff morale, and ew believed the unionised workforce could be dealt with successfully. Staff were resigned to a bleak future for the port of Fremantle, and the people of Western Australia cringed with embarrassment over the port’s reputation.

However, the appointment proved to be a masterstroke by the then Minister for Transport, Pam Beggs. It signalled change was going to happen and that management were committed to finding solutions to long-standing problems using a more cooperative approach.

In addition to being the inaugural inductee to the Lloyd’s List Maritime Hall of Fame, Kerry was the Telstra Western Australian Business Woman of the Year in 1996 as also awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Western Australia in 2005.